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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

NeighborWorks Southern Colorado (NWSoCo) is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization located in Pueblo Colorado. Our mission is to promote healthy, vibrant neighborhoods and serve as the first choice for homebuyer resources in Southern Colorado.

In order to achieve this goal, we now offer Financial Fitness along with Rental Education. With the money we receive from Giving Tuesday we will be able to educate more families to help get them into stable homes.

According to The Importance of Stable Housing for Families with Children: Child Success, Workforce Development, Strong Communities.

Affordable housing is critically important to the wellbeing and health of children and families. Without decent and affordable housing:
• Children’s health and development suffer.
• Children’s school performance is impaired.
• Parents who are overburdened by housing costs may be forced to live in substandard housing or unstable neighborhoods, subjecting their children to health and safety risks and adding stress to the family situation.
• Families who pay too much for housing have too little left for other necessities such as food, clothing and health care. They may not be able to pay for transportation and childcare, making it harder to go to work and school each day.

Inadequate housing often poses health risks for children, including asthma, lead poisoning, mold allergies, increased respiratory or other infections, and injuries from unsafe conditions

But when housing needs are appropriately met, children are more likely to be healthy and perform well in school: they are more likely to pursue higher education and be a part of a healthy workforce. and parents are more likely to be productive members of a strong workforce.

NeighborWorks Southern Colorado has a large reach and is a trusted partner in the community. In 2019 alone, we helped to create 641 new homeowners, which created an investment of $125.4 million into our community.

Please considering donating to NeighborWorks Southern Colorado on Giving Tuesday, where our core belief is that building sustainable communities begins with building stable homes.

Our Impact This Year

  • Individuals Served Through Food Initiatives


  • Families Educated


  • Homeowners Created


  • Dollars in Small Business Lending


  • Dollars Invested Into Communities


  • Dollars in Down Payment Assistance


  • Homes Preserved


Thank you to our generous sponsors: